Why won’t anyone read this book????!!!!
Honestly, this is one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. It’s fun. It’s campy. It’s hot. So why doesn’t it get read? Is it because there are cartoon characters on the cover? Is it because one of the characters is a fairy? (He dresses up as Tinkerbell). Is it because the guys are both asses? They really are, too.
Hooked by the Bell is an enemies-to-lovers where I just went ahead and let the guys be rotten to each other. I usually stick by my promise that my characters will treat each other well, so I guess this book steps outside my normal form. But Harper and Matt are just overgrown children playing pranks on each other and refusing to admit they’re perfect for each other. The cover is cartoon characters because the whole thing is a laugh.
Anyway, ranting aside, I wrote this for an enemies-to-lovers anthology and then, even though it’s short, decided to publish it once the anthology went out of KU because I liked it so much. I wanted people to read it, but they refused. What can you do?
You know, this book is a lot like Among Heroes, actually, which is another book people don’t read enough of (in my personal opinion). I guess my immature, snarky characters aren’t to readers’ taste. But everyone deserves love. Even guys who are marinating in so much testosterone it’s poisoning their brains.
Edit: okay, I’ve been told it’s the cartoony cover suggesting this is a book for children, so I’ve updated to add a couple of naked guys to the cover. Totally adult, I promise! They’re just adults who act like children.