Tamed is an M/M domestic discipline novella featuring lots of disciplinary spankings and some role play. $2.99 to buy or free to read with KU.
The first four chapters of Tamed originally appeared in an anthology called Come, Play. This text is twice the length of the original. If you enjoyed reading about Jake and Eduardo, you’ll want to check in with them as they progress from happy-for-now to happy ever after.
Jake’s too big for most Doms to handle, until Eduardo comes along to tame him.
Jake is his own worst enemy, an ex-Marine struggling to meet everyday challenges now that he no longer has the externally-imposed discipline of the service. He longs to submit, but needs a master who can make him do it, and he’s developed a reputation for fighting back that has Doms giving him a wide berth.
Eduardo knows a bit about taming wild animals, and Jake definitely needs to be tamed. It’ll take a loving hand and firm discipline to turn a rebellious brat set on destroying his life into a lover and partner.
Thank you for continually writing this story! I LOVE the Jake’s and Eduardo’s story whenI first read them in “Come, Play.” Cannnnnn’t wait to read their story again! Best Christmas’s gift ever! =D